Code name: ENZO

Yesterday mmm … about 6 hours ago I came to my hometown city, Bandung. I brought a Cisco ISR with ENZO modules, ENZO is a code name for HWIC-3G-GSM, its like a 3G modem in function.


My sister gets excited, she wanna play Audition Online Dance Battle Game well-known as AyoDance in Indonesia. First I need a 3G sim card from operator/provider, I had XL Xplor, Indosat M3 and Telkomsel Halo. I choose Telkomsel Halo, coz it has new services … Telkomsel Flash.

Telkomsel Flash is like a prepaid Internet voucher. You pay some amount of cash and you get some hours of Internet connection for a limited time, and until 30 September 2007 they got a promotion price 😀 You got 24 hours access in a week just for Rp 50.000,- … meaning only Rp 2100,-/hour. The speed is above average, enough for online gaming, browsing, email, etc.


But if you don’t have a 3G phone/modem, you can use it with GPRS connection, that if you don’t mind with the connection speed 😀